That last store was Dania. We've bought a few things from them and always had a good experience. So when we walked in to the Tukwila Dania and saw the exact same bedroom set that we'd already fallen in love with at Macy's, but for hundreds less, we were thrilled! It was so much less that we decided to get a new dining room table, in a matching style, and still spent less than at Macy's!

So we spent a few days re-organizing the rooms, and getting ready for New Year's. We're having a few people over, so I'm glad to have things clean and nice. We didn't get a tree this year; time just got away from us, with all of the other things going on, so we decorated our little ficus and strung a few lights at the last minute. Jupiter didn't seem too disappointed with the unconventional tree.

Today we'll go visit Brett's mom for a bit – I have to work tomorrow, so we can't stay late – and then, I have to admit, I'm going to be glad Xmas is over. I get very little time off around the holidays, so it's never the magical event I remember as a kid. But we do our best to make it special for each other; really, though, I think we do a pretty good job of making all our time together special.
Anyway, happy holidays and happy new year to all!