Early in March, we took the Clipper up to Victoria for a long weekend, to celebrate our 15th anniversary. Yes, we've been married fifteen years...it amazes even me sometimes. I've gotta say, even after that long, my husband is still my best friend, and if anything, I love the guy more now than ever before.
We had a great time there; we stayed at the Empress, and of course had High Tea there. We ate dinner there one evening too - a wonderful, wonderful meal in a truly gorgeous setting. And we spent plenty of time tromping around the city, trying various beers, doing some shopping, and - my FAVORITE thing - we visited the Victoria Bug Zoo! They let you hold all kinds of interesting insects and critters; here's me holding an Australian Whip Scorpion. No worries; these aren't deadly.

The rest of March has been fairly uneventful. I finished the class I was taking, and have signed up for another for Spring quarter; this time a photography class. Should be interesting. I'm also teaching Intro to InDesign at the School of Visual Concepts again, starting in April. I haven't been as diligent as I'd like as far as drawing and painting, but I did do a couple of pastel sketches of animals on this quiet Sunday afternoon. Here's a surly tree porcupine.

That's about it; I'm still employed, for those who know that my employer was recently going through some changes. In fact, I have been doing a few illustrations for them, too. It's remotely possible that you'll have seen some of them online, and some in papers around the country...here's one example (I did get permission to use these as portfolio pieces).

I did the drink, the little bee, and the honey-dripper as separate pieces, and a designer assembled the whole piece. This, I think, was a billboard. I have very little idea of where most of these ended up; I just brought them the drawings and they did whatever with them.
Here's the little bee close up; I like how he turned out:

It was very fun doing illustrations for something "real," if you know what I mean. I should be doing some more soon, I'm told. I also did some that I don't think I can show yet, as the promotion isn't public. But I'll try to as soon as I can.
Anyway, things have been pretty good. Ah, another thing: we're having the last portion of our fence around the back yard finished in April: a gate that will provide us a totally fenced-in yard. And you know what that means! I'm hoping to adopt a dog some time soon after that. We want a young dog that's all right with cats, of course, and who won't bark or dig big holes in the garden. We plan to give him or her as much exercise, attention and training as we possibly can...I've been watching The Dog Whisperer and reading training books in preparation. I've wanted a dog since...well, for most of my adult life, and finally it looks likely. I'll post more when it happens. :)
That's it, friends! Keep in touch, and I'll try to do better.
EDITED 1/17/09: Hi there! I've noticed that a LOT of people come to this page, and I think it's because they found this image (Bee Profile Final.jpg, above) on Google Image Search. I'm really curious what you were really looking for when you came here...can someone please email me and let me know? Most of the hits seem to come from Asia and the Middle East, so you may not be able to read this, but if you can, please email and let me know what you find interesting about my little bee! I'm super curious! Thanks! Email is: sonyaseattle -at- yahoo -dot- com. Or leave me a comment. Thanks!!